Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do The Signs Really Work? Well Zodiac That Is . . .

Granted I am not a relationship expert and being as though I am not in one I shouldn’t have any comment. But in some stroke of luck I always manage to give relationship advice that works. Go figure!

The other day a friend and I were talking about Zodiac Signs and how that if people spend time looking at their signs, maybe they could come up with some type of indicator of compatibility in relationships. Now I am not a zodiac fiend but I do take a look at the scopes from time to time and in dating have taken a look at how compatible I’d be with this one or that one.

So I took a glance at his book and I was taken aback. He was telling me about looking at a specific page about the relationship with his current girlfriend. I almost dropped the book! The passage described their relationship in great detail. I was confused and slightly intrigued.

Recently, I met someone who happens to be a Scorpio. I am a Gemini. Of course based on the fact that we are (from what I thought) diametrically opposed. I said to myself let me enjoy the moment and get to moving. Then I thought, “I am not in consciousness. I have already ended this thing and moved along before it even got started”. So I choose to do just that to deal with what was in front of me for the moment.

What I had not understood in the past was that there will be some good and some bad. There will be some great loves and dramatic hurts but until you are fully committed then it is impossible to learn the lessons that the universe is here to teach. We spend so much time worrying about what will happen in the future and what could come that we don’t do what we can to take advantage of what is in front of us right now.

I let preconception go. Instead of following zodiac signs, I followed THE SIGNS. I enjoyed the opportunity and I can’t say anything particularly spectacular happened but because I was there in the moment what was supposed to happen did. As in life, I am available to learn the lessons.

Ever notice that sometimes when you are dating or in a relationship that you end up again in the same type of situation that you swore you’d never be in again? You think, “how in the hell did I get HERE again”? The answer is simple. Because you didn’t fully commit and learn that lesson, you have to repeat the level again. Often it’s more painful each time you take the journey no matter how different the skirt or pair of pants.

Here and now, I choose to be open and available. I will experience the hurt and the joy and though it all I know, “this too shall pass”. Does this mean that I won’t look at the horoscopes and see what may come from that new opportunity? Nope. I will always sneak a peek. I know what happens is more a result of my reactions. More firmly, history (or the stars) cannot control my destiny.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Contact vs. Connection: A Lesson Learned

I am not really sure that I knew the difference from a contact versus a connection but life finds the most interesting ways and places to teach you things. In true respect for this life, I listen.

In a recent conversation with a great friend he said something to me that was very key and it rang true for our friendship. He said, “you know when you meet people, there are contacts and connections. Through all of the people that were there when we met, WE connected”.

Let me explain our friendship. I met him at what was truly the start of my blogging career. I had just been introduced to blogging by my fraternity brother No4Real4Real before attending the American Black Film Festival held in Miami. I went to the festival to get some great blogging material and to participate in Bill Duke’s Actors Boot Camp with actors from all over the globe. I was there not to make friends but just to learn.

In the room during the workshop they were calling students to perform monologues so that Mr. Duke could critique them and we could all learn. Some future stars were there that day – Lamman Rucker, Lance Gross and even Wendell Pierce. They were calling the participants from a lottery and with so many ladies in the class there were no brothers that had been called to perform. Finally, after seeing several great performances by some stellar ladies – they called me. Of course the few guys around me whispered as I went to the stage, “come on man, for the fellas”! As if I needed more weight on my shoulders.

I stepped up, did my thing and when I came back to myself, I noticed that everyone was standing and clapping. “I” however was lost in the character. On the next break I met several other brothers and sisters (we were really close after that class) who congratulated me and talked about working together. In fact my friend from Chicago and I only spoke once, right then and it was for all of five minutes.

Then we went home. Back to our lives and trying to make it in the business.

One day the phone rang and it was my Chicago friend. He started out saying, “I’m not sure if you remembered me or not” but I of course I let him know that the workshop was a life changing moment that I could never forget. Our conversation started and when I looked up we had been on the phone for more than two hours.

Since then we have talked consistently. Not just about acting or the business but about life. Of course there are the requisite talks about upcoming auditions or new headshots but family, relationships and the evolution of our lives dominate the landscape of what we talk about. Now here is what is even stranger, since we met we have not seen each other physically. Either we are not in the city when we are near or something prevents it but we only have our phone conversations and the occasional email.

At the end of the day, we are friends. We are bound by nothing in particular yet bound nonetheless.

That day, even though it took us time to realize it, we connected. We connected on an ethereal level. Not wanting anything from one another. Not expecting anything in return. We were just two conscious beings greeting each other in consciousness. Truthfully in pure LOVE!

Lesson learned! I can see the difference between a contact and a connection. I am happy to have learned the way I did.
Now in the words of the infamous MaDea, “Peoples are in yo life for a reason a season or a lifetime. YOU gotta figure out which one. Don’t go trying to keep them seasonal people ‘round ALL your life or you’ll mess up everytime”.

Ain’t that the wisdom of the ages! Now that’s one I’d like to learn without all the hard homework!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Strangers - Passing Love

Yesterday, I went to the movies and I finally saw The Strangers. Although it was good and suspenseful, I really didn’t get it. I thought it was supposed to be really scary so of course I decided to go during the day.


It definitely wasn’t as terrifying as I thought that it would be. I suppose if maybe I knew why there was so much killing going on, it would help. But I guess that’s what added to the mystique of the movie.

Anyway, I am so grateful to A New Earth and the things that I have learned they have really kept me afloat and understanding the purpose of NOW. However, the thoughts that are in my head never disappear. That’s cool. It’s just that now I can identify them as just that, THOUGHTS. They don’t control me they don’t sustain me but they are truly interesting. So I still see the thoughts and will write about the thoughts as they are. I will even experience the emotions connected to the thoughts. However, I can always hold to the truth that regardless of what happens good or bad, this too shall pass!

I know that one of the topics that most people write about are relationships and how and the lack of understanding about their evolution. Truly at the center of many of those issues is SEX. You know one of my girls started me watching Sex in the City and the premise of it became so very interesting. I almost though of starting another blog simply called SEX: A Man’s Code Word for Relationship! HA HA! Wonder who would have read that one.

Anyway, right now I am dealing with somewhat of a relationship/intimacy issue. I am “there” (meaning in the moment) and I know that this will pass but part of me doesn’t want it to. I think I really realize that the ego more and more just wants to have and needs attention. It may inflate or deflate itself on a regular basis just so that it can be in the center of what is going on. It’s my job no matter how painful to experience this expression of the universe and know that it is only temporary. Damn, you know it’s hard when it hurts but I’m a trooper.

Maybe I’ll take time and hash out this issue. Maybe in my gratitude journal. Or just maybe just for a moment I can just BE! Humm now there’s a novel thought.

Have you ever thought that you weren’t destined for love? I have often said that there were those like Dr. King and Malcolm X who’s life did not belong to them or their families but to the world. Maybe in that even though they had families they were supposed to focused on their purpose for being here. Just a thought. You know I still feel that I have a lot to give to the world and to love. It just will happen when it does!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I am Rahman Johnson and I Support Barak Obama!

In a way, I knew that this would happen during my lifetime and still it is an interesting concept to wrap my mind around.

Barak Obama is now the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States! Truly I am excited!

During what can be called one of the most contentious races in U.S. history, I made what some would consider an unpopular decision. Hillary Clinton was my pick for President. I cannot tell you how many calls, emails, MySpace Messages and notes that I received, asking me to either explain or reconsider my decision. I can say some of the language that was used wasn’t the most pleasant. Nevertheless, I am truly proud to be an American, able to have made a decision and stand by it without (major) repercussion. That is the beauty of being an American and why I love this country and the freedom that it offers.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not dislike Senator Obama. I have said from the get-go that he is a great guy and an amazing candidate. It’s just in the race for president, I thought that Hillary Clinton was a stronger candidate and I committed to her candidacy. Never mind what Bill said, never mind what people told me – I believed that she was the best candidate for the race. Ironically, when my friends tried to persuade me to vote for Senator Obama none of them would extol me on the virtues of Senator Obama they simply tried to tear down Senator Clinton. How sad to have to tear down someone else’s choice so that you can make your choice look better. For me when I spoke about the race, I tried to do what I could to talk about all the great things that Senator Clinton has done throughout her career. I even appreciated her support when I ran for office. For me it was a no-brainer to support her candidacy.

What was sad was those who pledged their support to her and jumped ship when the roads got tough. Those who said they would be there for her and made changes based on poll numbers. Those are the ones who you do not want with you in a fight. To me it does not speak volumes for their character.

You know, from the beginning I have said that if my candidate is defeated or bows out of the race then I will support Senator Obama. I have been getting calls left and right from the Obama Campaign and his supporters asking for my support. In fact a high level staffer called and asked for fundraising help and said something me to that made me smile. She said, “you know I know from the beginning you have been with Hillary and regardless of what was said or done and even when your friends asked you to change you hung in there with her. That’s real. That’s loyalty and that’s what we need in this camp as we go forward. You are the kind of brother, we can truly count on because we know when you are here, you ain’t gong nowhere”. That was real to me because one of the most important traits one can have is loyalty.

I am ready to get out there raise money, contribute time and get Barak Obama elected. I also look forward to Senator Clinton as the Vice-Presidential running mate. I am happy to in the least have remained loyal until the end. I hope that those who couldn’t understand my decision look back and respect my stance. Proudly I went to the Obama website today and signed up. I made my first contribution to his campaign. I am ready to make this thing work. I am ready to be a part of electing a catalyst for change in America.

I am Rahman Johnson and I support Barak Obama for President!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Me That I Get To Be With You

I was having a conversation with someone yesterday and was overwhelmed by one of the most profound quotes that I had ever heard.

“The me that get to be with you, is the me that I like the most”.

It took me a moment to adjust to what I heard but in those few lines alone, all that I could think was WOW!! In reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth (this is of course another blog all its own), my eyes have really opened up to the roles that we play in life. More and more I recognize that quite often our actions are dictated by what people will think. We fall into these unconscious roles and end up “being” someone that we really weren’t meant to be. We then end up defining ourselves by our roles.

Are roles really necessary to survive?

Why can’t we just be the “us” that we like with the ones that we love and care for all the time?

Why can’t we just BE?

That's why this blog is simply - The Me That I Am! I can’t be any more or any less than I am!

I am contradiction. I am oxymoronic, hypothetical, abstract truth. Hell yea it’s confusing! That’s ok. It’s me! I am so much more than any and all of the accomplishments or accolades. I am so much larger than that. I am even more than thought. I am ME!

Another thing that perplexed me when I heard the quote was, “well who are you with everyone else”? I mean come on I understand human nature and I know that we are not ever going to be the same with everyone that we come in to contact with. But think about it, how really different are those sides from the true us?

As for me, I try to be as genuine as I can. Like most people, there are things inside that I choose not to let out. There are things that I enjoy only with me. But I think that when I am dealing with people I try to be as real as I can. I try to be the best person I can be without adding all of those layers of stuff that confuse the entire situation.

Hopefully, I am on my way to creating a New Earth by not allowing all that stuff (the pain-body) or egoism to cloud or constrict my relationships. Even though there are those around me who may not get it yet, I am cool with that. I am cool with knowing that being me is ok in any shape or form as long as I am “there” in the moment. I am not saying that this is, has been or will be easy. We all fall back into the comfort zone of playing roles or looking AT people instead of into them. However, it starts one person at a time making a concerted effort to SEE people and not want anything from them.

I am happy that people feel comfortable being themselves with me. It’s almost one of the best things I’ve ever heard. That’s’ real enough for me!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obama Gets Edwards: The Old Boys Club at Work

John Edwards has endorsed Barak Obama. Can you believe it?

Initially, I could not believe that Edwards had endorsed Obama after saying that he was not going to touch anyone in the race. Now at the end of primary season, he turns coat and endorses Senator Obama. I would have respected the Senator more if he had not jumped into the fray and sat this one out but I guess that he was just not that intelligent.

It’s just that I keep hearing so many of the Super-delegates say that they respect Senator Clinton and the process. They say that they want to see the process play out. They, including Senator Edwards have said that they are stepping back and allowing the process to play out. They, say that they don’t want to see Senator Clinton forced out of the race. Nevertheless, they have all began to hurl endorsements and pledge delegate votes before the race has even ended.

At the end of the day, the debate that is going on now is healthy for the party and the country. It is a wise process and has made Senator Obama the better candidate for it. I believe that if he is the nominee that he needed this sharpening to be prepared for Senator McCain in the fall. This will be a tough election and this (contest with Senators Obama and Clinton) is not weakening the party but indeed strengthening it. This debate makes the issues that may have otherwise been overlooked front page news.

Right now, Senator Clinton is behind in both delegate and super-delegate votes. She is behind in the popular vote (excluding Michigan and Florida) and her war chest has been severely depleted. What good is it for folk like John Edwards and members of Congress to circle the wagons? What good is it for them to kick her while she is down? NONE!

I was very supportive of Senator Edwards and his positions before this. I thought that he was young progressive and cosmopolitan. I saw him as a picture of the “new south”. Now, I feel as if he is just another member of the old boys club. In some way shape or form I wish that Senator Clinton could clinch the nomination and show the old boys club that this is not just business as usual.

The Democratic Convention should not be just a coronation ceremony. As a former elected delegate, I am a fan of allowing debate on the floor. I am a fan of allowing the process to progress.

Hillary may not win but to publically force her out of the race leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It makes one think that our little daughters can never hope to grow up to be president. Why? In many ways the halls of power in this country, is still just another old boys club.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Indiana and N.C. Primaries: Election 2008

So today is the day!

Indiana and North Carolina are on the map. They are ground zero as the largest of the final states that will participate in the Democratic Primary for President.

Currently, the polls are about an hour away from closing in North Carolina and the majority of the polls have closed in Indiana. Right now with 4% of the polls reporting, it’s no surprise that Hillary Clinton is leading the pack in Indiana. Though unscientific exit polls seem to say that more than 50% of voters in both states say that Clinton was the one to go negative in the campaign, she seems to be racking up votes in both states according to exit polling.

Now the interesting thing here is that Barak Obama has been leading in North Carolina by double digits for months yet, his lead appears to have eroded down to single digits (maybe as low as 6%) for the election.

What does that mean?

If indeed Hillary Clinton is launching unfounded negative attacks – then it’s working. I make no bones about that the fact that Hillary Clinton is my candidate but if she is coming out with unfounded attacks, I will be the first to say that she is wrong. But this is politics and she is saying nothing but the truth. I don’t see her making things up about Obama, I see her taking his record (or lack thereof) and his statements and giving her spin. You can’t hate Hills for that! The only thing to wait for now is are the results of this election, West Virginia and the Democratic Rules Committee Meeting on May 31st.
As the results come in, I’ll be watching and blogging with more.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Greek Love!

Well, since this was the first weekend that I had spentin town since the holidays, I wanted to enjoy myself. It just so happened that Alpha Phi Alpha was having their Regional Conference in the city. Now you know with all of the festivities I had to go down there and show the Alphas how it’s done! LOL! You know being the good Kappa Man that I am! LOL!

Anyway, I hadn’t seen while Hilton, Jabari and Derrick in quite a while. They all wanted to go clubbing but you know I was on the same page as Hilton’s Linebrother – I had clubbed out. Never the less we hung out and turned Downtown into our private playground.

It was really good to see my boys who I hadn’t seen in a while. I really appreciate their hospitality and look forward to spending time with them again back in the south. Here are just a few pics from some of the fun. I can’t wait to talk about the antics that will surely come once I really get back.

Coming soon the story of the Divine Nine . . . .

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Journey Home

Well I have been meaning to blog as I always say but here I am so all that I can say is that I am here now and here goes.

So I have been working back and forth in Philadelphia for the past several months. Of course there was an adjustment period to me going there but most importantly, I made it work for me! Now even though I was happy to be there (a part of me will always love Philadelphia), I was cool to be headed back to the south. I was downsized on my job and so you know how the hunt for the next gig goes. But the funniest thing was my journey home.

When I got to the city, I didn’t have any family or friends there but one person became as close to me as anyone could have. It was my little brother Crae. Now not to take away from Jason, Ike, Janelle, Z or any of the other crew. It’s just that Crae and I were closer than most. And it was cool. Although he tried to convenience me not to stay, I knew the time had come for me to go.

So first, I get to the U-Haul location to get one of the hitches for my truck. I could have hired movers but I was trying to save money to be prepared for the future and didn’t have a lot I wanted to bring so that was pretty cool. Well while I was there at U-Haul trying to rent the hitch, I found out that someone had used my name to rent a unit before and I was on some block list! I was in the moment though and moved on while vowing to fix this issue on Monday. Well while I was there taking care of the paperwork, one of the employees had come to me to tell me that they had accidentally backed into and dented my truck. Now I supposed since it was a 2007 I should have been mad but I wasn’t. It was just what was supposed to happen at that time. Crae took it as a sign that I wasn’t supposed to leave. Yea right.

So then Ike and Crae came over to the spot to help pack up and get outta there. The funny thing is, I live in a condo and the condo rules said that there were to be no move outs on the weekends. Why? I don’t know. But the fact that the unit costs over half a million dollars meant that I was moving out when I damn well pleased. So I did. Even though the crew and I did the move on the sneak tip, as much as you can sneak off of the 25th floor!

I pulled out for what should have been a 10 to 12 hour trip that turned into three days! Yes three days. Luckily I was obeying the U-Haul speed limit that said I should not go over 45 mph. When I hit South Carolina all of a sudden the tire of the hitch blew off. The back fishtailed a bit but I was able to pull over off of the interstate. Was I really still supposed to be in Philly still?

I was in a small town where the people were nice but there were many of them that gave me a look like why is he here? I found what could have easily been the Ramada Inn that time forgot and was forced to crash there until H-Haul could come and make repairs the next day. I ended up with a dinner of Papa John’s Pizza and an itchy bed but I made it through. As I stopped in SC I swear that there were 7 teeth in the entire state that were traded back and forth! LOL!

On my way home, I stopped in Oyotunji Village in South Carolina. That is a separate blog on its own!

Anyway, after all that I finally made it home. FINALLY! Check out some of the pics from my going away and the messed up U-Haul.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Oscar 2008: My Picks for the Best of the Best

Although the writers strike made the entertainment awards season almost non-existent this year but an end finally came. I think that many movie and TV watchers were all over the SAG ceremony because they was all that they thought that they would get. But just in the nick of time (like a great film drama), the controversy ended and the mother of all award shows is going on with all the pomp and circumstance that we have come to expect. OSCARS 2008 is here!

Now although some of my SAG picks were a bit off, I’m going to trying this thing again. In some ways as a member of SAG I thought, “did they really count all of the ballots”? That coupled with Beyonce’s snub at the Grammy Awards (Song of the Year to Amy Winehouse – PLEASE!) has decreased my faith in those great awarding bodies.

So here we go . . .

Best Animated Short Film
Madame Tutli-Putli – This Canadian Animated Short is a beautiful depiction of a beautiful lady on an amazing journey. It was a two year labor of love and a standout for this category.

Short Film Live Action
Le Mozart des Pickpockets (The Mozart of Pickpockets) – This great live action short film, tells the tale of a gang of pickpockets who eventually take in a deaf boy. Interesting!

Sound Mixing
TRANSFORMERS – Hands down! But I would not be mad at the Bourne Ultimatum.

Original Screenplay
Michael Clayton – What can I say, I wish I had written this movie myself. What a great story line and dynamic plot.

Adapted Screenplay
The Diving Bell and Butterfly – This book about a French Journalist who was stricken with a stroke and wrote an entire book by blinking his eyes was truly inspirational. I am not sure if I am feeling the adaptation for its inspiring nature or because it is great but you should both read and see The Diving Been and the Butterfly.

Sound Editing
Transformers – I had just bought my brand new surround sound system and the first movie that I played was Transformers. I felt that I was there with the characters. I could not believe that my childhood fantasy had come alive Optomus Prime was there talking with me! HA HA. But of all the films nominated Transformers makes the grade.

Visual Effects
The Golden Compass – For this not to be animated the visual effects were great. I was surprised that Enchanted was not nominated in this category.

Film Editing
There Will Be Blood – The edits were flawless. The story that was told was flowed with precision.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End – Who can argue with the Make-up of the cast of characters in this film. From Jack Sparrow on down there was never a dull visual moment.

Art Direction
American Gangster – This really should have been put up for best Director or Best Picture – guess Denzel and Ridley Scott was just too much for the Academy. This film transported the audience back to yesteryear. Kudos on Art Direction which is far less than this film should receive.

Foreign Language Film
12 – This Eastern European remake of the film classic 12 Angry Men is the drama that unfolds in a jury room as jurors deliberate a trial of a Chechen teenager accused of killing his step father.

Original Song
That’s How You Know from the film Enchanted – A beautiful song from a magical film.

Original Score
Atonement - Out of the Oscar selections this films scoring added to the piqued intensity of the film.

Documentary Short
Freeheld – This documentary of a New Jersey police Lieutenant dyeing of cancer whose pension benefits were denied to her domestic partner simply because she was a lesbian. It chronicles her journey. Very touching

Documentary Feature
Sicko – Michael Moore strikes again with his rant against the United States health care industry.

Costume Design
Elizabeth: The Golden Age – They must have used a time machine to get someone from the Elizabethan Age to bring costumes in for this movie. They seemed to be right on point.

There Will Be Blood

Best Director
Jason Reitman for Juno – I had no idea I would like this movie as much as I did. The direction and timing made the film.

Animated Feature
Ratatouille – If you haven’t seen this movie you have to rent it. A rat that becomes the toast of French Cooking – what a treat!

Supporting Actress
Ruby Dee for American Gangster – Ruby Dee better win this award. In an amazing career, this was definitely not her best performance. The Academy made this nomination for her body of work and the work of her husband Ossie Davis. Truly this year (before its too late) this is her time!

Supporting Actor
Casey Affleck for The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford – Casey holds his own against Brad Pitt and shows that the can become a real leading man.

Best Actress
Cate Blanchett for Elizabeth: The Golden Age – Cate Blanchett is ELIZABETH. It’s almost as if Blanchett was born to play this role. Her supporting performance in I’m Not There was a great Dylan performance but I feel her as Elizabeth. Note: Marion Cotillard could be a stealer in La Vie en Rose.

Best Actor
George Clooney for Michael Clayton – I know that the Academy likes Daniel Day- Lewis for this award but its time for George Clooney and he gives an excellent thrilling performance as Michael Clayton.

Best Picture
Juno – This is a long shot but I really like the movie and its sensibility and the fact that its humor kept me laughing aloud similar to the Squid and the Whale.
So those are my picks for Oscar 2008. Tune in tonight on ABC to see just how well we do.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love To You: Happy Valentine’s Day

I can’t tell you how many friends have called me or remarked on these stories about what they hoped to get or had planned for this significant others on Valentine’s Day. Then there was the drove of folk that called lamenting as to why they were alone today and fearing that they would always be alone.

First Valentine’s Day is just that . . . a day. Although I believe that just like any other day we can take days and make them what they are we put too much power and emphasis on this day.

More importantly, understand that truly when you love someone everyday should be Valentine’s Day!

Although I am currently single, I spent the day remembering my grandmother who died a few years ago and reaching out to those who are important in my life. That’s what you should do as well. Reach out to those in your life who may need a little boost and in turn you boost yourself.

Remember, today is not all about who loves you but more about who you love!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hillary Clinton: That's My Girl

So this week has been eventful. I know the Designer has a show this week that will be off the hook and it is getting colder by the moment here.

I am not going to make this blog too political but as you can see the Presidential Race is heating up and I plan to be right in the middle. One of my frat actually works for the Clinton Campaign and I am so happy that he is making things happen.

You know recently John Kerry endorsed Senator Obama. With all of the help that President and Senator Clinton gave him I was a little taken aback. Here is the letter I sent to Senator Kerry. I really hope he truly gets the message.

P.S. – I am still salty about getting broken up with via email but I am getting over it. UUGGHH!! Thought for the day: “ To get a piece of the pie, we need to sit on all sides of the table”.

Dear Senator Kerry,

I was very disappointed earlier today when I heard that you had endorsed Senator Obama for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.

Having supported you in both bids for the senate in your home state and your bid for the presidency, I felt very in tune with your political views. However, I feel that your endorsement of the senator is at best misguided.

In your remarks about the endorsement of the Senator you referenced Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s words “now it is the time to do what is right”. The right thing to do at this time would have been to support Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s quest for the Oval Office. I know that an individual’s years on Earth has no comparison to great judgment and intuition but I believe that Senator Clinton is the most qualified candidate in both areas.

As an African-American man, former elected official and life-long Democrat – I have more than once been quizzed about my staunch support for Senator Clinton but as you were quoted as saying earlier NOW IS THE TIME.

America is the only first world country to have never had a woman leader. In over two hundred and thirty years of existence – it is odd to see that a woman has never been in leadership positions in this country. Look at the record. Very few female Supreme Court Justices and never a female Chief Justice; never a woman as chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, never a woman as Majority Leader of the Senate and only recently Speaker of the House and finally never a woman in the White House. However, now in 2008 we are presented with one of the most dynamic yet polarizing leaders that this country has ever seen. We see Hillary Clinton. Here is lady who is educated, eloquent, poised, intelligent and tenacious enough to handle all of the challenges that sit before her. An individual who when challenged with being a First Lady who was active in developing policy and didn’t shirk from the challenge. An individual who can and will show all of our daughters and sons that in America . . . ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

I appreciate you taking the time to read this email and I hope that when Senator Clinton becomes the Democratic Nominee, that you and others who have chosen not to support her candidacy will work to ensure that our country is blessed with competent Democratic Leadership.

Again, thank you for your continued service. With warm regards, I am

Rahman K. Johnson

Saturday, January 12, 2008

No Pain No Gain -- So When Does the Gain Come?

So I am sitting here in true multi-tasking form. Watching the Jaguars play New England, blogging and of course washing clothes. When I was a kid my grandmother told me that I was never to wash clothes on New Year’s Day or on the first three Friday’s of the New Year less someone would be washed out of the family.

Of course my faith and belief in God trumps superstition but in some small way it keeps a bit of my grandmother and her wisdom alive in my life.

As for the football game, I was starting to get excited but it seems as though New England is coming back. Jacksonville had things tied up through the half, which is a feat within itself. Nevertheless, I haven’t given up on my beloved Jaguars just yet! Rasheen Mathis is making it do what it do!!

Aright so on to the real story. As I said I had been kicking it extra hard from the holidays until now. Or so I thought. You know I am that kind of brother that opens doors, listens to conversations to purchase or make those sentimental gifts that truly mean something or just be the moral support when needed. But you know one of my friends (The Designer) said something that has resonated with me every since. He said, “Rahman when anyone dates you, they have to step up to the plate and at the very least grow up. You are the kind of guy who has a lot going on. Your light is so bright that if there are those who are intimidated or lacking in confidence, your light shows their inadequacies”.

Ain’t that the truth!

So anyway I went home to help with the burial of my stepmother and had not heard from Lisa (cause she is bohemian like Lisa Bonet) and chalked it up to the holidays and her not being available. I will say that deep down I wondered what the issue was and I knew something was wrong but I never could quite put my finger on it. As a holiday gift, I got her the BIG I-Pod (you know the one). But the kicker was, I didn’t just get her the I-Pod. I made a special playlist (that took me two days to design). They were songs that had meaning and sent messages. At least I thought that was more special than just giving someone an I-Pod.

Nevertheless, after getting back to Philly and calling for a few days – she contacted me.

FINALLY . . . .


She sent me an email!

The gist of the email was first an apology for not keeping contact. Second the fact that when I said I loved her it made her question the validity of that statement and finally, that “I am a amazing guy with a bright light that she was not equipped enough to handle”. WOW! I just received a break-up – via email!

I am not sure weather to laugh, cry or just look dumbfounded!

I mean truthfully I wasn’t looking for a relationship and at the very least I was hoping that since I had let my guard down a bit I had found a friend.

I guess that just wasn’t in the cards.

She of course agreed to meet and talk about the situation (per her request) broke the meeting and has yet to call to reschedule. I am not sure at all what to expect at this point. There is a vulnerable part of me that feels “some kind of way” about the situation. Then there is the major part of me that says please – they are not ready!

Then again, I wonder.

Quite often, I have been cool with friends and on the verge of relationships with those who said “you are just too much”. Although because I am working hard on my career, being their for friends and championing causes that I believe will make the world better place -- I still like to have fun. No, it is not all about smoking a blunt or going to the next party for me. It’s not about bringing every woman I come in contact with to my house to bang out. It defiantly is not about impressing anyone. It is simply to adhere to my long running mantra to leave the world a better place than it was when I arrived.

I guess in way, having it together has its drawbacks. However, all that I know is success. Failure is not an option. If you can’t deal with an upgrade, then I guess I really didn’t need you in my life anyway.

It was a necessary lesson. But one that hurt none the less.

Today’s Thought: “A necessary pain today prepares you for the appreciation of tomorrows pleasure.”

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It Starts With Drama

I am going to try and make a conscious effort to blog at least once a week this year and maybe more. I am also thinking about starting another “brother” blog strictly about politics. I am so fascinated about what is going on in the Presidential election this year and I believe that some interesting things are just beginning to unfold. I am not sure just yet how that will take shape but I am moving forward.

Right now 2008 is unfolding in a very interesting manner. I have spent some time reflecting on 2007 and hoping to be a better person this year.

Interestingly enough, things are unfolding in an unbelievable fashion right now. First one of my boys went home for the holidays and returned to find his check in bed with another man! Yea, they had just secured a mortgage and were about to purchase a home together. When he told me what happened, I was hurt for him. I had to remind him though, better he find out now that after they had bought the house and were married. Folk can be so dumb. Not that I condone cheating in any form but in the bed that you both sleep in every night at your house. Dumb ass!!

On a personal level, I have been kicking it hard before the holidays. Yea, you know great dates, emotional intimacy – the works. I told her that I loved her, not that I was in love with her but just that I loved her and since then, we have only spoke via text once. I’m trying to be optimistic. Let’s hope that things work out in my favor. I’ll post about it later.

Thought for today: “Better to be silent and thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt”!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Welcome to 2008

My Friends,
Again, though it seems far too soon, another year has come! Happy 2008! I trust that this New Year finds you healthy, happy, blessed, prosperous and full of perpetual optimism for the year to come. As most know, I choose to greet my family and friends with a letter heralding the New Year. This is my annual tradition and a way to rise above the usual holiday shuffle. I encourage you to use this as inspiration for you to create your own traditions unique to your family, which can be your legacy.

2007 has been a year of transition, discovery and understanding. I am reminded of the quote that says: “ As a child, I knew it all. The older I became, the less I found out I knew. In my old age, I found out how ignorant I was.” I see the truth of that quote ever so clearly as time progresses.

On a personal level, I really miss those that have passed on. It has been almost three years since my grandmother and there have been many others they left me with great pearls of wisdom. My mother makes educating youth more than a career and looks forward to some new and innovative projects in 2008. We are also thankful for stellar health throughout the family! I have worked to devote time to the goals of my fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc., The Screen Actors Guild and campaigning for my Presidential pick, U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham- Clinton (D-NY).

Professionally, I continued the year working in Marketing and Promotions in the Northeast. I was also able to complete production on Queen of Media: The Wendy Williams Story, Incorporated – The Story of the Philadelphia Black Mafia and Starting Fresh – a series about getting a job that is one of the hottest selling educational series on the market and is nominated for a Telly© Award! I am looking forward to many acting, producing and theatre opportunities this year. I am also looking forward to the new and improved which will debut in February!

2008 represents a Realization of Potential! You know one of the wealthiest places on Earth is not Ft. Knox or a Federal Reserve Bank – it is the cemetery. This is because of all of the dreams and potential that died with those who didn’t tempt fate and pursue their dreams. You see Denzel Washington though great is not the greatest actor of our time. Somewhere in some cemetery is a performance that was never seen that was the greatest in the world. Let your light shine and realize the potential that lies within!

May you and your family experience the most heartfelt blessings of a New Year filled with Peace, Harmony, Prosperity, Health and Love! Inside of us lies the undaunted power to create positive change in the world – USE IT! Remember doing a common thing in an uncommon way sets you apart. Happy New Year! With warm personal regards, I remain

