Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday the 13th is Finally Gone

I am so happy to be done with Friday the 13th unit I don’t know what to do. It was so bad by the end of the day I had to take a few Happy Campers “my herbal mood enhancer” to deal.

At the last minute I got the call that I was to go to the movie set for my last day of shooting. So I went about booking travel and re-arranging my schedule to be there. There really is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this project so I am really trying to my best. That coupled with the fact that my frat is having our bi-annual KONCLAVE in Minneapolis. Also the Charlie Mack celebrity weekend kicks off in Philadelphia and my main marketing client is the sponsor. This is finally coupled with the fact that the area Greek Picnic is this weekend as well. I just couldn’t do it all but it is nice to be in demand.

My NY trip was pretty uneventful, until on the trip my phone went dead and they couldn’t get in touch with me. I did not have the number for the assistant director and so they didn’t know where I was. Needless to say, they shot the scenes around me without me being there. All the while I was stuck in the horrendous hell that is New York traffic. Usually on most productions, they send a car for you and you can plan out how things are going to work. I was not so lucky here.

In fact they were upset with me, though I was the one sitting in traffic. I guess that this will be one more story to tell as I travel this acting road. I know that it can only get better from here.

Once I finally made it back to Philadelphia, I had to drop by a local event at The Corner Pocket and get set up for the celebrity event at Miss Tootsies. I plan on trying to get a little rest today but as I lock out of my window, the sun is creeping over the horizon. Oh well!

The lesson for today, “Let me love you for who you are as opposed to who you aren’t”. Mad shouts to my girl Lisa from VA! She just jumped on the blog and showed me some love. Got head to VA soon to check that out. I still owe a post on Babylon Sisters but first. Is it really possible to care deeply (almost love) someone after just a few days? Well discuss that soon!

Until then . . .

Peace and Light!

1 comment:

Darius T. Williams said...

Um - so yea, we're ready for that discussion.