Thursday, February 26, 2009

Text-ed: Is That Really A Word?

So I am sitting on a plane the other day and I hear someone in conversation with a friend.
“Girl, I texted him and he didn’t even text me back”, she said.

As she spoke my hair stood on end. Did she really mean that? Of course not, I thought. I dismissed it.

A few days later a popular show came on TV and the character said that he “texted” someone. Again, I am thinking – “how did this get though network censors”?

Again, in conversation someone said, “I texted you that number the other day”. By this time I was out done. I knew that I had taught English before and from everything that I had learned as a teacher ‘texted’ was not a word. Of course I did the requisite research on-line and there in the Urban Dictionary the word ‘texted’ what right in front of me. Then again this was the Urban Dictionary so did that really make it a reliable source?

It’s just in all that had learned over the years – I was really over hearing the words ‘texted’ or ‘texting’. But what could I do? Truthfully, nothing! I am a purist on most things so in my estimation the proper thing would have been to say, “ I sent you a text message” or “I was sending a text message to you”. Then again who really does things the proper way?

So I will have to suck it up and hear people conjugate words in all types of weird ways. I guess at the end of the day we just make it up as we go along – that is the American way!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Now I'm Back Again

Hey Blog world! (*To the tune of Slick Rick’s Hey Young World) I’m baaaaaaaack! With my blogging addiction, I am not sure how I stayed away so long. But I am happy to be back on the block, letting the world know my thoughts, feelings and ideas.

Well since I’ve been gone, here’s a quick Dave Letterman list of what you missed.

10. George Bush almost got hit in the head with a shoe.
9. George Bush left office!
8. I got a job!!
7. Uncle Simmie died.
6. No4Real moved to DC!
5. I met someone special!
4. I realize that I kinda miss Philly.
3. I live in the NOW more often than not.
2. I am composing my own Presidential Poem.
1. Barack Obama is the President of the United States.

On a different note, my heart goes out the families of those that were involved in the Buffalo New York Plane Crash. I cannot imagine how the families must be feeling but I have to take solace in the fact that – this too shall pass. There are all things that we have to go through in life and we have to take solace in the fact that life will ebb and flow but the most important part is that we live it!

It’s been seven months and there is so much to talk about so check back often. Until then . . .