Friday, November 03, 2006

To Tell The Truth - A John Kerry Story

Why should John Kerry apologize? Personally, I think he has no reason to apologize to anyone for anything.

Obviously this election season has been quite interesting. The Democrats are close to regaining control of both of the U.S. House and the Senate. They have been sending their top dogs to campaign all over the country. Recently in a speech Pennsylvania Senator John Kerry was quoted as saying, "education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and make an effort to be smart, you do well, if you don't you get stuck in Iraq".

This one simple comment has caused a maelstrom of both criticism and distance from Democrats and Republicans alike. This has got to stop now!

Talk show host, Don Imus even commented that John Kerry was about to lose it for the Democrats again.

Do people not understand underlying meanings? Obviously not. What the senator was saying is that the President did not do his homework. Had the President done his homework and looked into possible situations that could occur after invading Iraq, he would have had some type of idea on the kind of insurgent issues that would come with occupation. Further, he would've known how to deal with issues of weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist. In fact he would have known how to help the Republicans control the House and Senate and gain some decent approval ratings. But like John Kerry said, he didn't do his homework!

John Kerry should not apologize because when you don't do your homework you don't succeed and you get stuck in a situation with no exit strategy.

I support the soldiers in Iraq. I have friends who are serving there right now and who believe in their country and believe in the democratic freedoms that we enjoy in the in the United States but they do not believe in the premise of the war. The statement that was made by John Kerry first of all has nothing to do with the soldiers that are serving but has everything to do with their Commander-in-Chief. For those that listen to the spin that the Bush administration has put on Kerry's statements, it makes me think that they have no idea of what's going on in the world.

Katharine Hepburn once said, "how can I take NO from someone who is not qualified to tell me YES"? Her quote is so applicable to the situation. The president took John Kerry's words and twisted them to fit his audience. Nothing that Senator Kerry stated was remotely derogatory to the soldiers in Iraq.

This weekend will be truly a telling situation. It's time for a change and Republicans have had quite a while to make a difference and not a mess. It’s time to straighten out the mess and get America back on the right track.


Jenell : BlakIzBeautyful said...

Hey Brother Rahman, thanks for stopping by my place. It was a real pleasure. (If you check back my comments you will notice my welcome to you)

Now to your post....

I agree Sen. John Kerry did not need to apologize, but I disagree with your understanding of what he said.

I think he was referring to a "possible draft".

Kerry is an army man so I don't believe he in any way meant to insult the intelligence of any army offical or troop member, but I strongly believe he feels that because soo many lives have been lost in Iraq, that things are only going to get worse. If things do get worse, then there will be a need for a draft. If there is a need for a draft, those who are in school studying and doing a good job will have amnesty from the draft.

So he stated his conclusion with out providing the American public with the premises to his argument.

Mahogany Misfit said...

I agree. No apology was necessary. Also, I think it's much less offensive to fuck up a JOKE rather than to fuck up an entire WAR.

And that's all I hafta say because if I elaborate, this comment will be be hella long!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post!!

What is pissing me off about this the most are those in the Democratic Party who are speaking out against Kerry. Kerry also voted to increase funds to the U.S. Vet Admin Hospitals. His comments were taken out of context. Kerry served in the United States Military, so the notion that he was disrespectfull to those serving is void. The GOP is running scared because they know next week they will loose control of the House and possibly the Senate. Where is my party’s backbone? When a member of the GOP makes an ignorant or outrageous comment (Kerry’s comments did not even come close to some of the BS I have heard from the GOP) they rally and stand behind their members no matter how ridiculous the comment which was made and no matter how bad the scandal. But as usual, Democrats have a hard time “sticking together” and that is what kicks us in the ass time after time again.

Unknown said...

It's all politics and keeping the greatest number of people happy and voting for your tired azz... LOL

Lyrically speaking said...

I must also agree with you, Kerry shouldn't have apologized, I think he cares too much for his reputation...oh well c'est la vie.

Anonymous said...

America will certainly be off track now that Democrats have been elected my open-minded people who have no regard for posterity and sovereignty.

Anonymous said...

i'm sickened by it all. he didn't need to apologize. who cares. the troops don't.
they r not sitting around worried about John Kerry's jokes...when they r geting blown up, and kidnapped every milisecond. come on now.
it's time to say "we messed up..we won't win" and come's hopeless.
and if it continues...i'm only in favor of a draft so that the politicians family members might have to go to war no such thing is gonna happen...and the irony is just too much for me.

i've had a total of 6 loved ones in Iraq. Three have returned home safely...we're waiting on the others.

nothing is gauranteed. can some one issue an apology to America for that???
