Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Me That I Get To Be With You

I was having a conversation with someone yesterday and was overwhelmed by one of the most profound quotes that I had ever heard.

“The me that get to be with you, is the me that I like the most”.

It took me a moment to adjust to what I heard but in those few lines alone, all that I could think was WOW!! In reading Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth (this is of course another blog all its own), my eyes have really opened up to the roles that we play in life. More and more I recognize that quite often our actions are dictated by what people will think. We fall into these unconscious roles and end up “being” someone that we really weren’t meant to be. We then end up defining ourselves by our roles.

Are roles really necessary to survive?

Why can’t we just be the “us” that we like with the ones that we love and care for all the time?

Why can’t we just BE?

That's why this blog is simply - The Me That I Am! I can’t be any more or any less than I am!

I am contradiction. I am oxymoronic, hypothetical, abstract truth. Hell yea it’s confusing! That’s ok. It’s me! I am so much more than any and all of the accomplishments or accolades. I am so much larger than that. I am even more than thought. I am ME!

Another thing that perplexed me when I heard the quote was, “well who are you with everyone else”? I mean come on I understand human nature and I know that we are not ever going to be the same with everyone that we come in to contact with. But think about it, how really different are those sides from the true us?

As for me, I try to be as genuine as I can. Like most people, there are things inside that I choose not to let out. There are things that I enjoy only with me. But I think that when I am dealing with people I try to be as real as I can. I try to be the best person I can be without adding all of those layers of stuff that confuse the entire situation.

Hopefully, I am on my way to creating a New Earth by not allowing all that stuff (the pain-body) or egoism to cloud or constrict my relationships. Even though there are those around me who may not get it yet, I am cool with that. I am cool with knowing that being me is ok in any shape or form as long as I am “there” in the moment. I am not saying that this is, has been or will be easy. We all fall back into the comfort zone of playing roles or looking AT people instead of into them. However, it starts one person at a time making a concerted effort to SEE people and not want anything from them.

I am happy that people feel comfortable being themselves with me. It’s almost one of the best things I’ve ever heard. That’s’ real enough for me!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obama Gets Edwards: The Old Boys Club at Work

John Edwards has endorsed Barak Obama. Can you believe it?

Initially, I could not believe that Edwards had endorsed Obama after saying that he was not going to touch anyone in the race. Now at the end of primary season, he turns coat and endorses Senator Obama. I would have respected the Senator more if he had not jumped into the fray and sat this one out but I guess that he was just not that intelligent.

It’s just that I keep hearing so many of the Super-delegates say that they respect Senator Clinton and the process. They say that they want to see the process play out. They, including Senator Edwards have said that they are stepping back and allowing the process to play out. They, say that they don’t want to see Senator Clinton forced out of the race. Nevertheless, they have all began to hurl endorsements and pledge delegate votes before the race has even ended.

At the end of the day, the debate that is going on now is healthy for the party and the country. It is a wise process and has made Senator Obama the better candidate for it. I believe that if he is the nominee that he needed this sharpening to be prepared for Senator McCain in the fall. This will be a tough election and this (contest with Senators Obama and Clinton) is not weakening the party but indeed strengthening it. This debate makes the issues that may have otherwise been overlooked front page news.

Right now, Senator Clinton is behind in both delegate and super-delegate votes. She is behind in the popular vote (excluding Michigan and Florida) and her war chest has been severely depleted. What good is it for folk like John Edwards and members of Congress to circle the wagons? What good is it for them to kick her while she is down? NONE!

I was very supportive of Senator Edwards and his positions before this. I thought that he was young progressive and cosmopolitan. I saw him as a picture of the “new south”. Now, I feel as if he is just another member of the old boys club. In some way shape or form I wish that Senator Clinton could clinch the nomination and show the old boys club that this is not just business as usual.

The Democratic Convention should not be just a coronation ceremony. As a former elected delegate, I am a fan of allowing debate on the floor. I am a fan of allowing the process to progress.

Hillary may not win but to publically force her out of the race leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It makes one think that our little daughters can never hope to grow up to be president. Why? In many ways the halls of power in this country, is still just another old boys club.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Indiana and N.C. Primaries: Election 2008

So today is the day!

Indiana and North Carolina are on the map. They are ground zero as the largest of the final states that will participate in the Democratic Primary for President.

Currently, the polls are about an hour away from closing in North Carolina and the majority of the polls have closed in Indiana. Right now with 4% of the polls reporting, it’s no surprise that Hillary Clinton is leading the pack in Indiana. Though unscientific exit polls seem to say that more than 50% of voters in both states say that Clinton was the one to go negative in the campaign, she seems to be racking up votes in both states according to exit polling.

Now the interesting thing here is that Barak Obama has been leading in North Carolina by double digits for months yet, his lead appears to have eroded down to single digits (maybe as low as 6%) for the election.

What does that mean?

If indeed Hillary Clinton is launching unfounded negative attacks – then it’s working. I make no bones about that the fact that Hillary Clinton is my candidate but if she is coming out with unfounded attacks, I will be the first to say that she is wrong. But this is politics and she is saying nothing but the truth. I don’t see her making things up about Obama, I see her taking his record (or lack thereof) and his statements and giving her spin. You can’t hate Hills for that! The only thing to wait for now is are the results of this election, West Virginia and the Democratic Rules Committee Meeting on May 31st.
As the results come in, I’ll be watching and blogging with more.