Well I have been meaning to blog as I always say but

here I am so all that I can say is that I am here now and here goes.
So I have been working back and forth in Philadelphia for the past several months. Of course there was an adjustment period to me going there but most importantly, I made it work for me! Now even though I was happy to be there (a part of me will always love Philadelphia), I was cool to be headed back to the south. I was downsized on my job and so you know how the hunt for the next gig goes. But the funniest thing was my journey home.
When I got to the city, I didn’t have any family or friends there but one person became as close to me as anyone could have. It was my little brother Crae. Now not to take away from Jason, Ike, Janelle, Z or any of the other crew. It’s just that Crae and I were

closer than most. And it was cool. Although he tried to convenience me not to stay, I knew the time had come for me to go.
So first, I get to the U-Haul location to get one of the hitches for my truck. I could have hired movers but I was trying to save money to be prepared for the future and didn’t have a lot I wanted to bring so that was pretty cool. Well while I was there at U-Haul trying to rent the hitch, I found out that someone had used my name to rent a unit before and I was on some block list! I was in the moment though and moved on while vowing to fix this issue on Monday. Well while I was there taking care of the paperwork, one of the employees had come to me to tell me that they had accidentally backed into and dented my truck. Now I supposed since it was a 2007 I should have been mad but I wasn’t. It was just what was supposed to happen at that time. Crae took it as a sign that I wasn’t supposed to leave. Yea right.

So then Ike and Crae came over to the spot to help pack up and get outta there. The funny thing is, I live in a condo and the condo rules said that there were to be no move outs on the weekends. Why? I don’t know. But the fact that the unit costs over half a million dollars meant that I was moving out when I damn well pleased. So I did. Even though the crew and I did the move on the sneak tip, as much as you can sneak off of the 25th floor!
I pulled out for what should have been a 10 to 12 hour trip that turned into three days! Yes three days. Luckily I was obeying the U-Haul speed limit that said I should not go over 45 mph. When I hit South Carolina all of a sudden the tire of the hitch blew off. The back fishtailed a bit but I was able to pull over off of the interstate. Was I really still supposed to be in Philly still?
I was in a small town where the people were nice but there were many of them that gave me a look like why is he here? I found what could have easily been the Ramada Inn that time forgot and was forced to crash there until H-Haul could come and make repairs the next day. I ended up with a dinner of Papa John’s Pizza and an itchy bed but I made it through. As I stopped in SC I swear that there were 7 teeth in the entire state that were traded back and forth! LOL!
On my way home, I stopped in Oyotunji Village in South Carolina. That is a separate blog on its own!
Anyway, after all that I finally made it home. FINALL

Y! Check out some of the pics from my going away and the messed up U-Haul.