Hello Blogworld! I am back! It has been so long since I have had a chance to share my life and experiences and you know what, I missed it way more than I thought that I would.
All of the emails and calls are appreciated. Now, I am raring to go with so much to talk about. So here goes.
First, even though I am an actor and actually manage to work on the regular – I still need a “real” job. So I have been a marketing and promotions consultant for some time now. Well the company that I have been consulting with for some time has asked me to handle operations in Philadelphia to get the market up to speed. Of course that was not in my plans but you have to go where God leads and it seems as though all roads are leading to PA. It is only a temporary special assignment so I will be traveling to Florida and LA frequently. I am sure that those jaunts will be filled with so many things to write about.
I am so ready for 2007! Ready to a fault I think. Look at the number this year holds the date 7/7/7! That is completion, if I do say so myself. That is why this year is about stepping into destiny! Last year was about being taught and prepared and this year is about action.
Each year I send out a New Year’s Letter at the beginning of the year as my personal tradition. I think that each one of us needs our own traditions so that we can leave our mark on society. My letter this year spoke of the destiny that is prepared for us. It’s only up to us to make the difference. I accept the challenge.
This year I have also started dating again. It’s not that I had really stopped before but I really have focused so much time on my career until dating really fell by the wayside. It’s like I woke up one morning and I was thirty! I don’t wont to end up at forty-five with a two year old child to my credit. I can almost hear the conversation now. “Daddy I want to go outside and play ball”. “Ball, man call one of ya cousins my knees hurt”! Seriously, I don’t care how old I am – I know I would make a great father. But if I don’t start developing some serious roots soon – then that will be me.
Anyway, from the Obama and Clinton Presidential
bids to Forrest Whittaker and fashion trends – I plan to report comment and just plain blog. Thank you for inspiring me. I look forward to hearing all that you have to say. Still, the Me that I AM!!