Friday, December 30, 2011


So I am having a moment today and I think that I just realized that I don’t know “how” to be in a relationship! Can you believe that it took me 35 years to figure that out? I suppose there is not specific rhyme or reason as to how it works. Indeed that is the beauty of being with someone. Though, I am never one to say that things are fineto, I recently told a friend that I’m taking a break. Let’s see how that goes!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Lesson: My External Circumstances, Reflect My Internal Condition


Last night during a period of meditation, it struck me why things weren't going as I thought that they should. It was less about my circumstances and more about my condition.

You see over the winter months, I had allowed my office and bedroom to develop clutter. I thought because I had organized the "stuff" into piles that things were fine. In the end, it was the stuff that was the cause of problems. There were clothes that I hadn't worn in years, files I hadn't used in months and cords that went to who knows what electronic device of the day. And that was just the physical stuff, mentally there were remnants of past relationships that were in the "bin" waiting to be discarded but never went anywhere.

Regardless if I held on to these things or not, none of the things (or people) that were destined to come into my life could because there was too much other "stuff" in the way! Indeed I was blocking my blessings.

I spent the day mentally clearing out all of those places that were dark and cluttered with stuff. I re-gathered all of the hurts, heart aches and disappointments for one final trip. As I went through the sorting process, I made sure that I didn't look at those experiences as bad or negative but tried to learn a lesson from each one! As I cleaned mentally, I cleaned physically as well. I discarded all of the clothes, old cell phones, magazines, papers and anything that took up space and had no value. I even reassessed some things that I thought valuable and learned there was really no value there at all.

After that exercise, I feel lighter, better and more in-tune with my environment. I can truly say that I am ready mentally and physically for the things and people that the universe has in store for me. What a difference just a day and a little cleaning can make in your life.