Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Indeed I Am Crying . . . .

Just for a moment there was a tear on my cheek and I had no idea why. . . .

Indeed I was crying.

Crying for unintended consequence and the time to recompense.

Indeed I was crying. . . .

Iyanlya said a good cry with a purpose was all I needed but instead of an agenda – I just needed my space.

I just needed to release the pain of pleasure and feel the lack of knowledge that made me into the man that I was.

Searching and never finding.

Feeling and never knowing.

Being and never embracing. Indeed at this moment I was crying.

In the depth of my thought, I could see the place to heal my soul and dry the well that gushed.

Yet seeing and obtaining are two different things.

I cry because you hurt.

I cry because I love.

I cry because we are destined to try . . .

Just for a moment there was a tear on my cheek and I had no idea why . . .

Indeed I was crying.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Trapped in Love (Seat 6B)

I travel quite often and my two favorite airlines know my penchant for having aisle seats. Maybe it’s because I try to drink a gallon of water a day and want quick access to the facilities. Or maybe it’s because I just don’t want to disturb anyone if I feel like getting up. At the end of the day, the main reason is that I just don’t want to feel trapped.

I guess the same holds true with relationships.

Why do comfortable relationships with attachments make us run? I suppose that it is the feeling of being trapped. Maybe that’s why it seems like there are more open relationships and less firm commitments these days. People want to be able to exit quickly. I guess, I am under the perception that if we are in this together then we are in this together. Meaning quite simply – I’ve you got your back and you’ve got mine.

I guess as I sit in 6B and travel home, I too have an exit strategy for getting to the restroom and as it would appear for getting out of relationships. You know as I think about it – when I have had to take a window seat there is a really great view and someplace to rest my head! Relationships too offer hidden comforts but most of us choose to look at the drawbacks.

As the journey continues so do the lessons. Perhaps as time progresses, I will take a window seat without being forced. Then, just maybe the journey will be the start of an event stronger foundation.